Tuesday 4 June 2013

Guitares en Cormatinois 2013

The summer has started, and so has the festival season. Chapaize is on the roll, with its concert series "Chapaize Culture", Cluny will not stay behind, and fortunately, despite the fact that "Les Rendez-Vous de Cormatin" most likely has given the ghost, the "Festival Guitares en Cormatinois" will start very soon.
As each year the festival offers 5 concerts, this time fortunately with the emphasis on "Guitar", and even better : instead of 3 or 4 different venues, all concerts will be given in one place, the lovely romanesque church of Chazelle.
I just chose a selection from the illustrious names I can vouch for:

- Eric Francerie - guitar and Jérémy Vannereau - bandonéon with a Piazzola program

- Emmanuel Rossfelder with a guitar recital

- Nicolas Dautricourt - violin and Thibault Cauvin - guitar with a mixed program of classical and jazz; based on the instruments they are playing the jazz part will most likely consist of pieces not too dissimilar to the repertoire of the Hot Club de France.

The prices are reasonable, the venue has excellent acoustics, in a word, what is stopping you?
Reservations can be made by phone : 03 85 50 19 06 or 06 43 66 56 37, or we can arrange tickets for interested parties.
An email will suffice, payment can be arranged later!

Het programma voor 2013

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